Kathmandu to Lumbini (Bhairahawa) Flight


S.NSectorNationality FareOffer
1Kathmandu to BhairahawaForeignerUSD 89USD 83
2Kathmandu to BhairahawaIndian INR 3125INR 3062.5
3Kathmandu to BhairahawaNepali NPR 5000NPR 4900

 Facts about Kathmandu to Bhairahawa flight

  • The distance between Kathmandu to Bhairahawa is 277km
  • The total flight duration from Kathmandu to Bhairahawa is 35min.
  • Three different airlines operated their flights Buddha Air, Yeti Airlines, and Shree Airlines
  • You can contact us for flight schedules and up-to-date information when planning your trip.
  • The weight limit is 15-20 kg baggage per person.