Kathmandu to Lukla Flight

1Kathmandu to LuklaForeignerUSD 217USD 204
2Kathmandu to Lukla Indian INR 11122.5INR 10997.5
3Kathmandu to LuklaNepaliNPR 17796NPR 17596

Fact about Kathmandu to Lukla flight 

  • The distance between Kathmandu to Lukla is 138 km.
  • The total flight duration from Kathmandu to Lukla is 30min.
  • Flights from Kathmandu to Lukla are operated 7 times a week, with 1 flight per day. 
  • The earliest flight is at 06:15 and the last flight is at 09:00. However this depends on the weather and the date you are flying. 
  • The weight limit is 15 kg baggage per person.