Kathmandu to Janakpur Flight

S.N Sector Nationality FareOffer
1Kathmandu to JanakpurForeigner USD 59USD 55
2Kathmandu to JanakpurIndian INR 2562.5INR 2500
3Kathmandu to Janakpur Nepali NPR 4100NPR 4000

Fact about Kathmandu to Janakpur flight

  •  Distance between the Kathmandu to Janakpur is 110km.
  • The total flight duration from Kathmandu to Janakpur is 25-35 min depending on the airlines and weather conditions.
  • Three different airlines operated their flight Buddha Air, Yeti Airlines, and Shree Airlines.
  • The weight limit is 15-20 kg baggage per person.
  • You can contact us for a booking and up-to-date information.